::before & ::after CSS Pseudo-Elements

CSS allows you to add content to the beginning and end of an HTML element using the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. These results are only visual and not actually in the DOM, meaning you can't add specific event handlers to them like you can regular DOM elements.

Use Cases

These pseudo-elements can be helpful in many cases. Real-world examples I've used them in include adding tails to comment bubbles and creating nice custom gradient effects for borders around an element.

In this blog, I use a ::before pseudo-element to add the i icon in a circle around all of my blockquote elements to signify an important notice or alert about certain features.

Here is an example of a blockquote tag I use to create the i icon in a circle, signifying something important to remember. This uses the ::before pseudo-element in CSS for custom placement and styling. 


Here is a simple code snippet illustrating the uses of the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements:

div::before {
content: "before";

div::after {
content: "after";

From a layout point of view, this is it would be displayed:

<!-- other code inside the div element -->

Content Examples

In order for the contents to appear on screen, it's required to add a content CSS rule to your pseudo-element. Omitting this rule will leave the contents blank.

Here are a few different values you can use:

  • A string: content: "a string"; - Alpha-numeric characters. Special characters will need to be encoded as a unicode entity using glyphs.
  • An image: content: url("/path/to/image.jpg"); - Adding a URL method with a path to the image file. Images as pseudo-elements cannot be resized, however you can set a background-image rule with custom image sizing, if needed.
  • Nothing: content: ""; - As mentioned, this is perfect in cases where you'd like to resize an image. You could also use this for custom styling where no text or images will be present.

Differences Between ::before and ::after

There are no real differences between the two pseudo-elements as they render content inside their parent elements. The best way to think of it is how they would be displayed positionally. For example, if your pseudo-element content is positioned near the top or left of its parent element, use ::before. If the content will be positioned near the right or bottom, then use ::after.

Single vs. Double Quotes

While single quotes work perfectly fine, the double-quote version is standard practice when defining pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after. Otherwise, you're defining pseudo-classes like :link, :active, etc.

The double quote version is the newer, standard format intended to distinguish between the two as of CSS3. And, if you don't need IE 8 support, then it's best to stick to best practices.

Browser Support

Pseudo-elements have been around for quite some time and are supported in all major browsers.

Browser Support


The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements are a great solution for adding content to your pages without the use of additional HTML code.

Written by: Josh Rowe, Web Developer

Last Updated: August 23, 2022
Created: August 22, 2022