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Learn more about server management with these informative tutorials, articles, and code examples!

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Live Video Streaming with Nginx RTMP & HLS on Ubuntu

Learn how to set up a live video streaming server with Nginx, RTMP, and HLS on a Ubuntu 20.04 server.

How to Setup Secure WebSocket with HTTPS in Apache

Set up and configure a secure websocket connection over TLS, a configuration highly recommended for production environments.

How to Install Memcached on Windows & Linux Servers

Installing Memcached in your Window or Linux environment allows you to leverage memory caching for faster application load times.

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How to Update Packages in Ubuntu via Command Line

This quick tutorial will show you how to update packages on your Ubuntu server via the command line.

How to Remove Files & Directories in Ubuntu Linux

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to remove files and directories using the command line in Ubuntu Linux.

How to Create a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Learn how to create your own Minecraft Server in a Linux Ubuntu 20.04 environment so you and your friends can play together.

How to Setup Crontab in Linux with Examples

Learn how to create a list of schedule tasks with Cron and a Crontab file that run in the background of your Linux environment.

How to Install SSL for Apache Virtual Hosts in Linux

Learn how to install and set up an Apache virtual host on Ubuntu Linux to utilize the HTTPS protocol with an SSL certificate.

Set Up a Website and Apache Virtual Hosts in Ubuntu

This guide will teach you how to set up multiple websites within an Apache virtual hosts on a Ubuntu 18.04 Linux server.